Monday 22 October, 2007


404 Error: File Not Found

Monday 17 September, 2007

blog name

is "suggest a name for this blog" good enough or i realized there is a dead blog "memoirs of a future" which was supposed to be co-written by me and tgwtt, we can use its name right? (it was supposed to serve the same purpose i guess)
please reply and change the name or let this one remain as u like.
(in case of conflicting views we can hav a poll :) i haven't ever added that to a blog)


Minor changes in the blog appearance. Please edit the captions and headings as u like.

Saturday 15 September, 2007

5th sem

for some of us, its been hectic. for some its been great news. for some its been normal, and for some its been nothing.

in my new wing i realized music can in fact become noise. thats because we're all music crazy and not everyone has rusty speakers. and so its the survival of the loudest at times. though it sounds like noise if its not. i found myself loving some pieces from Tchaikovsky's famous ballets... and few other classical pieces as well. then's radiohead... experimental... fragile voice, the guy sounds like he'll faint the next moment but the song goes on. can't stop liking it. hmm, Amy got married. but i'm still a great fan of whatever is left in that band. she came up with a fairy tale video for the proper song... now that she's married she'd give up the sad stuff i hope.

i think we all are more into our depts than ever before. i'v regularly attended classes, some just for the sake of attendance while a few have been my favorites. its a day or two to midsems. i ask the pointless question again. have i fucked myself up beyond repair? 7.18 first sem. 7.84 the next. 4.2 the next. 7.something the next. you feel abashed putting this down on your cv. then the problem that you wish things could turn out great. nothing goes great if you are such a mediocre being. u know for one thing you have to repeat a subject the next sem though the consolation comes its a pre-requisite to another which you wont be allowed to take then (this one's rigid unlike some other subjects). but the pressing issue for me - my pre-examination disorder.

hmm... m getting frusst and can't write about it already.

next thing: the anime Ergo Proxy. finally i succeeded in completing at least one anime. took first 8 episodes from LAN and while Illuvatar was offline, had to download the rest from the net. what actually happened in that one is what i'll look for in the next run. how did i get till there? well, radiohead's paranoid android has become a favorite. the song features at the end of ergo proxy episodes. thats when i checked out the trailor for the thing. i like it dunno why. probably the girl was cute. or probably the Amy Hartzler resemblance.

whatever it was that drew me to the series, its the first i've completed. next, watched a few episodes of the Family Guy too. pretty nice shit of a level below South Park which is what i liked about it.

i guess this is enough of/from me. bbye

Monday 21 May, 2007

A few interesting comparisons

well, we can start with a few here:

  • an IITian and a Dog
here are a few common ones that you get to hear...

  1. An IITian has to clear the JEE to get in, a dog does not.
  2. Dogs get laid in kgp, IITians don't (neither do they want to).
  3. Dogs don't mind being treated like dogs
  4. The rare occasions on which they have to enter the SBI branch, they have a much better experience than us.
  1. Both breeds get treated as dogs.
  2. Both get to eat mess food, but dogs have more alternatives.
  • IIT and Jail
  1. In jail, your term can be of less than a month. In an IIT, its at least 4 years.
  2. In jails, one must be getting more holidays.
  3. In IIT, you get LAN facilities which we don't suppose jails provide :D.
  4. Jails have uniforms.
  5. Inmates in jails have baths more frequently!
  6. You can actually smuggle anything in jails...even (Gasp!!) good food!!
  7. Jails are devoid of a point system... but you can get out early for good conduct. In IIT, your sentence... i mean your stay, can only increase(unless you commit that suicide you've always wanted to...)
  8. Life in jail is filled with hope and anticipation of a better life...
  1. Jails have facilities for solitary confinement but only for a few special cases, IIT (i know only abt mine) also has facilities for solitary accomodation and those too for a few cases only.
  2. Mess foods must be comparable. (Anyone been both places?? need ur opinion here)
  3. Getting into both, you must be a victim of your own deeds.
  4. To both the jail administration and the IIT administration, you aren't a human being, you are a number.
  5. Both, Hostels and prisons have 'wardens' :D
More comparisons invited!!!
Added as requested- the guy who typed them